Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition that causes pain, numbness, tingling, and sometimes other symptoms such as burning in the hand. It occurs when one of the major nerves to the hand — the median nerve — is squeezed or compressed as it travels through the wrist. This can lead to discomfort and, in severe cases, limit the functionality of your hand.

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Recognizing the symptoms early can lead to a more successful treatment outcome. Symptoms typically start gradually and can include:

  • Numbness, tingling, or burning sensations in the thumb, index, and middle fingers
  • Occasional shock-like sensations that radiate to the thumb and first two fingers
  • Hand weakness or difficulty holding objects
  • Symptoms often worsen at night, causing sleep disturbances

Causes and Risk Factors

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can result from a combination of factors that increase pressure on the median nerve and tendons in the carpal tunnel. Some common risk factors include:

  • Repetitive hand motions (eg.) typing, using a mouse at your computer, etc.)
  • Anatomical differences
  • Hormonal changes
  • Medical conditions such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and thyroid gland imbalance
  • Prolonged exposure to vibrations from using hand tools or machinery
  • Improper desk ergonomics

Diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial. At Therapy X, our healthcare team uses a combination of history taking and physical examination to confirm the diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. When indicated, we may refer our clients on to receive further testing such as a nerve conduction testing.

Treatment Options

Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in our clinic is personalized to each client’s needs and may include:

  • Bracing or Splinting: Nighttime splints can help relieve nighttime symptoms by keeping your wrist in a neutral position.
  • Physical Therapy: Our certified physical therapists can guide you through exercises that help strengthen the hand and wrist muscles and improve flexibility. They can also perform a wide array of treatment modalities depending on what is best suited to your body’s unique needs such as manual therapy, intramuscular stimulation (IMS) / dry needling, and acupuncture, and corrective exercises.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Recommendations to modify your work and daily activities to reduce strain on your wrist can be a crucial part of management.
  • Medical Treatments: In some cases, corticosteroid injections or surgery may be recommended. Our team will discuss all options, including the benefits and risks, to help you make an informed decision.

Why Choose Therapy X Clinic?

Our multidisciplinary team approach ensures that every aspect of your care is coordinated and tailored to your unique needs. We combine expertise from various specialties to provide a comprehensive treatment plan that not only addresses the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome but also works to improve your overall health and well-being with the ultimate goal of longevity in mind. The goal is to fix the root cause first, and then together, create a long term plan for you to be discharged with to prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from happening again.

Your Next Steps

If you're experiencing symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, don't wait for them to worsen. Early intervention is key to preventing long-term damage and improving your quality of life. Our clinic in South Granville, Vancouver, B.C., offers a comprehensive range of treatments and expert guidance to help you find relief and regain control over your life.

Sharing this blog with friends, family, or anyone you know who might be suffering in silence can make a huge difference. Together, we can spread awareness and provide support to those in need. Book online or call our clinic today to book your appointment with one of our expert clinicians. Let us help you find relief and get back to your daily activities without pain.

With care,

Therapy X Collective